The only Volkswagen surf bus airport pikcup in Sri Lanka
The only Old school Volkswagen airport pikcup
The distance from Colombo-International Airport to Ruuk VIllage is 144km. We always say the distance in this Island is measured in time rather than the Kilometers one needs to drive. There are two ways to get to Kalpitiya. the most comfortable method after a long flight is to get yourself picked up. The other is to take public transport, which is economical but after a long flight could be too much ( if you ask us).
Airport pickup with our very unique Volkswagen Surf Bully
With Air Condition - 120€
Without Air Condition - 95€
Airport Pickup with our trusted local drivers.
Either a Japanese car or a mini van - 89€
Its better to get yourself picked up by a driver who knows where to drive you to. In case you take a taxi from the airport, the driver would only know to reach Kalpitiya, but then you will have to help him to find his way around. Kalpitiya is a 44km stretch of land (peninsula)
Your journey into the past of colonialism, passing Hindu temples, Buddhist shrines, ancient catholic churches and bridges built by the Dutchman can be experienced on your way to Kalpitiya.
The perfect time machine to take you back in time and it already starts at the airport.
Have you always wanted to ride a T2 and you have never got the chance to do so? We offer you an airport pickup to start your holidays in a VW T2.
Moreover, you will have the chance to drive it by yourself when the traffic on Sri Lankan roads allows it. Distance from airport to Kalpitiya is around 144Kms, during the day (depending on traffic) it takes around 3 t to get to Kalpitiya. During off-peak hours you can reach Kalpitiya in 2,5 hours. Therefore Your chances of getting a chance to drive this legacy vehicle is high.
Its an Original Volkswagen built in Wolfsburg (1977). One of the very few T2 still to be found in Sri-Lanka.
How it all started - a bit of history about the Bully
It resembles freedom just like Ruuk Village does.
If you are a kitesurfer or a windsurfer then you know the VW BUG's infection quiet well. Our key founder/sponsor of Ruuk Village fell in love with VW T2 / T3 during his windsurfing trips to north Amsterdam(during his studies in Germany). Ever since then he has always wanted to have one of these legendary vehicles. A vehicle which resembles best, the philosophy of windsurfing, Kitesurfing and surfing.
In year 2013 he finally managed to buy this VW T2. And a complete refurbishment was carried out in Puthlam and in Negambo. It was not just some ordinary garage which did the work, he managed to get in to a small VW fan's circle in Sri Lanka, these fans were just like the ones he knew from Cologne or any part of Germany for that matter. Or even anywhere in the world. They helped each other in the best way they can. Its a big VW family.
And today you can enjoy a ride with a well refurbished VW T2 from year 1977. The best part about this drive is, the person who was responsible for refurbishing the engine is also the driver who will drive you to Kalpitiya from Negambo airport.
All these tiny bits and pieces contribute to the big picture of "Ruuk Village". This is the story of "Ruuk Mobile" in a nutshell, just in case you want to know more details, feel free to write en email, and you would sure to get an answer from the person himself.
Useful links for your HOLIDAY planing
In case you wish to organize your transport using public transport, the below links could be useful.
It is important to plan around 5 to 6 hours for public transport.
Sri-Lankan Train Schedules:
Sri-Lankan Luxury Bus Lines (Limited Routes):